Thursday, February 3, 2011

The greatest car commercial ever!

I came across this on Newsarama and just had to share it.
I'm sure more than a few of us can see ourselves in this mini-Vader. As a kid I know that I ran around in my Vader Halloween costume (it was one of those cheap plastic ones from the late 70's - early 80's) terrorizing anything and anyone who crossed my path on more than one occasion. If I had a costume that fit me now, I'd probably still do it.


Jonathan said...

That is WAY too perfect for words... and as an added bonus, the kid emotes more effectively from behind that mask than Hayden Christiansen ever managed to without one.

Of course that could have more to do with the fact that I still catch myself making the "use the Force" gesture when I walk through an automatic door... ^_^

Geek Gazette said...

I still catch myself making the "use the Force" gesture when I walk through an automatic door...

At least I know that I'm not the only one who does that. The "use the Force" gesture works pretty well with toasters too.
I've also found that to get the Jedi mind trick to work, all you have to do is get your victim liquored up. You can get them to do just about anything at that point.