Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Captain America on the Cover of Empire

Empire magazine is featuring Chris Evan in full Captain America gear on the cover. You can find articles about it all over the web, such where I found this image:
 Say what you will, but I'm looking forward to this movie.


Jonathan said...

You're not the only one :D

I've been looking forward to this movie ever since Marvel surprised me with just how good Iron Man was. Let's hope they can hold the streak of not messing up their own source material too badly...

Geek Gazette said...

I think Marvel still has a few years before they start really churning out crap.
Thor looks awesome and from what I've seen Capt. America looks awesome. I really can't wait until Avengers comes out. Even the rumors I've heard that it may possibily be focused on either a Skrull invasion or maybe a Kree - Skrull war sound like it will rock.