Basically it is Rifts meets The World of Darkness meets d20. There is a semi apocalypse caused by a “rift” that unleashes magic, demons, vamps and other creepy crawlies into our world. The magic system is more fluid than in the core d20 rules and I like it. Magic isn’t necessarily something that is taught, but something that is felt. Mages don’t have to remember spells and as long as they have what is necessary to cast a spell, they can. Though it is stated the classes from this game can be used in other d20 games, they are set at higher power levels.
The great thing about this book is that it is d20 and compatible with the 3.5 rules. I have run several d20 modern games using this setting and everyone of them was a hit. Should you buy it? If you like horror themed games and the d20 Modern system, then yes. If you are already a fan of the standard White Wolf version, maybe not.