Saturday, October 10, 2009

Inspriation for your Halloween Games

It is the Halloween season once again, my favorite time of year. If, like me, you are planning on running a game or games filled with conspiracies, horror and the paranormal this month nothing makes your game better than adding a little dose of the real world. I have compiled a list of places I go for inspiration when I want to inject a some realism and familiar elements into my games. These are just a few of the places I frequent and shows that I listen to, I may post a more extensive list at a later date.

Paranormal Podcast(my personal favorite paranormal internet show)
Paratopia Podcast
Paranormal News
Eerie Radio
Above Top Secret
Urban Legens and Superstitions
Coast to Coast AM
Fortean Times
Black Vault Radio
The Unexplained World

All of the podcasts I've listed should be available for download on both the show's website and itunes.